Empower Girls in Tech: Join Girls Who Code as a Volunteer

a logo of an organization girls who code

Empower Girls in Tech: Join Girls Who Code as a Volunteer

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in the technology and engineering fields. It was founded in 2012 with the mission of empowering young girls to pursue computer science and build valuable skills in coding. The organization offers various programs, clubs, and summer immersion programs designed to provide girls with opportunities to learn programming languages, engage in hands-on projects, and gain exposure to female role models in the tech industry. Through their initiatives, Girls Who Code aims to inspire and equip girls with the tools and confidence to succeed in the digital world.

The purpose of Girls Who Code is driven by a clear mission: to close the gender gap in the tech industry and create a more inclusive future. The organization recognizes that diverse perspectives are crucial in driving innovation and creating technology that truly reflects the needs of all individuals. By offering girls opportunities to explore the world of coding and computer science, Girls Who Code is not only breaking down barriers but also nurturing a new generation of female leaders and innovators. Through their programs and initiatives, they are empowering girls to embrace their passion for technology, equipping them with the skills and confidence to excel in this rapidly evolving field. Girls Who Code is shaping a future where girls have equal opportunities to thrive and make their mark in the tech industry.

How to Join the Girls Who Code Movement

As a Girls Who Code Club facilitator, you’ll gain access to a wealth of resources and support. You’ll receive over 120 hours of customizable plug-and-play curricula, inspiring spotlights on women in tech, community-building activities, comprehensive training, and more. No prior coding experience is required to facilitate! Cupertino Library Club is specifically designed for 6th to 12th-grade students, providing a supportive environment for their coding journey.

To become a Facilitator, you should:

  • Be 18 years or older;
  • Be able to pass a background check;
  • Commit to leading the Club for 2 hours per week, for a minimum of 10 weeks, twice per year (Spring/Fall);
  • Be available to hold weekly meetings on Tuesday nights from 7 PM to 9 PM;
  • Embrace learning alongside Club girls, as no prior computer science experience is necessary;
  • Have a passion for helping others and fostering a sense of community within the Girls Who Code Club.

As a Club Facilitator, you will have access to all the resources Girls Who Code provides, including:

  • 120+ hours of curriculum, catering to various skill levels;
  • Tutorials and an online learning management system;
  • Program support through facilitator training and additional resources;
  • Opportunities to participate in Girls Who Code online events;
  • Recruitment materials to help promote our Club and reach more interested girls.


Volunteering with Girls Who Code provides you with an opportunity to enhance your own skills and knowledge in coding. Through the program’s training and resources, you can expand your understanding of computer science concepts and stay up to date with the latest advancements in the field.

Moreover, volunteering with Girls Who Code enables you to contribute to the larger mission of creating a more diverse and inclusive tech industry. By actively participating in this movement, you are helping to break down barriers and create equal opportunities for girls in the world of coding.

To volunteer or learn more about the program, please contact our Cupertino Library Community Librarian, Clare Varesio, at CVaresio@sccl.org . Join us in empowering girls through coding and shaping a future of diverse and talented female coders!

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